The water footprint is a measure of the volume of water that is polluted, evaporated, and consumed. The water footprint is examined in three groups: green, grey, and blue water footprint. The blue water footprint refers to the amount of groundwater or surface water used to create a product. The green water footprint refers to the amount of rainwater used to create a product. The grey water footprint is the amount of fresh water required to eliminate pollutants resulting from the production of the product. The use of water in food production is an important measure. Especially in the production...
Obesity Diary

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic neurological autoimmune disease. The protective sheath that covers nerve fibers is called the myelin sheath. Damage to this myelin, caused by immune system cells attacking it, leads to the development of multiple sclerosis. Symptoms of MS attacks include fatigue, numbness and tingling in the body, balance problems, walking difficulties, speech disorders (slurring), dizziness, blurred vision, difficulties in thinking/remembering/learning/concentrating, bowel problems, and depression. Factors such as breaches in the blood-brain barrier, gut microbiota, mitochondrial damage, viral infections, inflammation, genetic susceptibility (the disease is not hereditary, but a person’s sensitivity may be), environmental...

GASTRIC BOTOX Gastric Botox temporarily paralyzes the muscles in the stomach, delays gastric emptying, and can create a feeling of fullness. It is anticipated that patients who undergo gastric Botox will feel hunger less frequently, will be satisfied with smaller portions, and will experience a feeling of fullness more quickly. Based on this idea, it has been considered that Botox injections in the stomach could be used for weight loss. Since the main principle of gastric Botox is to delay gastric emptying and prolong the time before feeling hungry, if we can delay the gastric emptying time or extend the...